Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I needed my camera!

Mikayla was sooo cute tonight! I was in the living room, and she came in there with a big grin on her face. She had found her rainboots in the closet (never worn them before), and she had put them on by herself. She also had put them on the wrong feet. She was in her PJ's, which made her look even more adorable. I called my mom, and she said "take a picture." I told her I couldn't because I had left my camera at her house. I was so disappointed not to get a picture. I put them on correctly, and she took them off and put them back on several times. Sometimes they were on the correct feet but most of the time not. She then decided to go find several other pair of shoes for me to put on and for her to take off! I'll miss it when we have to wear braces again. Only one more day of freedom from them!

She is feeling better, but is coughing more. I guess she's trying to get everything up. I was in shock when a nurse from the Ped. office called today "just to check on her." She did sleep in her own bed last night, but we may not make it tonight because blankie got left at Daycare. Normally she has one here and one there, but this morning she was determined to take the 2nd one to Daycare also. I tried to just slip it back in the car this morning, but she noticed. We had to have Speech Therapy at 3:45, so I was in such a rush that I didn't realize Blankie was there in her cubbie. I have an imposter in her hand (she's sleeping)- which feels the same to me, but I'm sure she can tell. We really need a 3rd blankie, but I'v never been able to find the exact one. The little stinker knows the difference!

My mom and sister are coming on Thursday to go with me for our long day at Shriners, so I'll get back my camera then and will put pictures on here!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I will be praying for both of you on Thurs. I remember Jennifer in her AFOs. Getting fitted wasn't too bad but finding shoes was a lot harder with them on.