Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm so glad it is almost the weekend. I'm exhausted and so is Mikayla. I could tell because she didn't even want to take a bath tonight. She normally LOVES baths, but tonight was a different story. I said "Let's go take a bath," and she said, "No!" I couldn't believe my ears so, I said it again- only to get the same response. I decided to let her just play for another few minutes and check back. I went in there and said, "Mikayla it is time for your bath," and again she said, "No!" But this time I would not accept no for an answer. I scooped her up and headed to the bathroom. She actually cried all the way through the bath! I can't even remember the last time she cried about taking a bath. She used to cry when I made her get out!

She is beginning to have a little attitude problem. Last night at church she knocked the crayons on the floor, and the teacher asked her if she did. She shook her head yest, but when the teacher told her it was time to pick them up she just shook her head no and watched the teacher pick them up. Of course the teacher told me this when I picked her up. Her exact words were "she's something else, but she's sweet." All I could do was agree (about both)!

It's our (meaning- mine, my sister's, and mom's) birthday weekend, so we'll head to Haynesville this weekend- I do have a Scrapbooking party to go to on Saturday, so Mimi is going to keep Mikayla for me. She is excited of course! I promise to update next week with pictures. I'm sure I'll get lots this weekend!

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