Monday, September 29, 2008

Yet Another Ear Infection

Mikayla wasn't exactly feeling great this weekend, but she seemed to get worse last night. She actually slept with me last night, which meant I didn't get much rest either. She was breathing so heavily because she was so congested. I felt guilty dropping Mikayla off at Daycare. She looked so pitiful. Until today I still hadn't found a pediatrician in Bossier. As soon as I got to school I asked my friend about who she uses for her son. She told me, so as soon as I could I called. I got an appointment for today, which meant I then had to find a Sub. I lucked out and the first person that I woke up this morning said they'd work 1/2 a day for me. So, I went to pick up Mikayla during nap time only to find her roaming the halls with one other child who refused to go to sleep. Now I know how she spends her naptime! I've been told she sleeps, so maybe today was the exception. Anyways...I picked her up and we went to the Doctors. I found out that it wasn't allergies (what I originally suspected) and that she had an ear infection and congestion. She had to have a shot and will also be taking oral antibiotics. Mikayla did really well with that Doctor, so we are going to stick with him. It also helps they are open on Saturdays and on most Sundays. At this time she is just laying on her bed watching Barney, so I think I'm going to go lay with her. I'm exhausted after not much sleep last night. I'm sure she's on the road to recovery, and we'll have a better night tonight.

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