Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gone To Texas

Mikayla is now in TX, and I'm still in LA. I miss her already, and I just left her this morning and will get her back tomorrow. Every little girl needs her mommy though.

I am happy to say that she slept in her own bed last night, so that makes 4 nights. Some of you may be curious as to why I keep talking about her sleeping in her own bed. Well, she has been sleeping with me for about the past year. Before that she had always slept in her own bed. Last year we had moved into a new house and she also was staying away from me overnight for the first time, so I think there were too many changes going on all at once. If her security was sleeping with me, then that was the way it was going to be. When we moved to Bossier I went ahead and set her room up, but she is just now actually sleeping in her bed! I am proud, but also anxious. She is on the complete opposite end of the house. I wish her room was next to mine. The baby monitor helps!

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