Monday, November 24, 2008

Very Determined!

First, I will say we all survived the weekend. Originally when I posted after surgery Mikayla was doing great. She has run a little fever this weekend and has NOT been completely cooperative...especially with nap time and night time. We did spend time with family this weekend because I knew I'd need their help. Mom (or Mimi) was a huge help. I knew that washing Mikayla's hair after tubes was going to be really difficult, but I had no idea! I had bought some plugs, but she really wanted absolutely no part in that. I thought my mom was going to have claw marks from Mikayla. We tried to get her to lay her head back. She wanted no part in that either. I think my mom and I looked like we had been in the sink with her. Mikayla has said the word, "no" more times than I can count. At least she doesn't say it with an attitude, but you can tell she knows what the word means! Even if she was a little pill at times we all enjoyed the weekend. We'll go back in a couple days to visit more of the family, and Mikayla will get to be the center of attention! (as she always is)

I did have to take Mikayla to the eye doctor today for her checkup. She'll have to go back every year because of the eye surgery she had when she was 6 months. The doctor told me today that her eye sight seems great. One of her eye lids is a little droopy, but we can deal with that if we need to when she is older. Thank goodness because I can't deal with any more procedures or surgeries at this point in time! Mikayla didn't handle the visit well at all. As soon as she saw people in scrubs she started crying and saying "Nooooo." Bless her heart. I don't think she'll have to go to the doctor for a few weeks until she'll go for the follow-up with her ENT.

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