Sunday, November 9, 2008


Mikayla began getting congested on Thursday night. She didn't sleep well for a few nights either. Luckily the ArkLaTex Pediatrics office is open on every Saturday and some Sundays. I went ahead and took her this morning. She had to see one of the other Doctors because only one Doctor is there each weekend. We had to wait for about an hour, but I'm glad I took her because she has ear infections again! Last time they told me that the next time she had ear infections we'd be going to the ENT. I'm supposed to call her pediatrician's office on Monday to get a follow-up appointment and at that time we'll get the referral. I've been dreading tubes, but I know she really does need them before permanent damage is caused. Mikayla is napping now, so I'm about to go take a little nap too. I have so much that needs to be done, but napping for 20 minutes or so may help!

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