Sunday, November 30, 2008

Potty Time!!!

As a first time mom I'm getting close to a time I've been dreading- potty training!!!! Mikayla is showing signs that she is ready. I have now bought her an Elmo DVD about potty time, and yesterday we went to Wal-Mart and bought her her first potty. She can tell you what it is, and when I'm not looking she'll sit on it (with clothes on). She will tell you that it is the potty. Just a minute ago I said, "Where is your potty?" She started calling for her potty. I followed her into the bathroom, and she said, "there it is!" A couple times she has actually pulled her pants and diaper off! Who knows when we'll actually start really trying- maybe during Christmas. I'm going to talk to the people at the Daycare on Monday about it- we'll see. I'll be happy not to buy diapers!!!!

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