Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I needed my camera!

Mikayla was sooo cute tonight! I was in the living room, and she came in there with a big grin on her face. She had found her rainboots in the closet (never worn them before), and she had put them on by herself. She also had put them on the wrong feet. She was in her PJ's, which made her look even more adorable. I called my mom, and she said "take a picture." I told her I couldn't because I had left my camera at her house. I was so disappointed not to get a picture. I put them on correctly, and she took them off and put them back on several times. Sometimes they were on the correct feet but most of the time not. She then decided to go find several other pair of shoes for me to put on and for her to take off! I'll miss it when we have to wear braces again. Only one more day of freedom from them!

She is feeling better, but is coughing more. I guess she's trying to get everything up. I was in shock when a nurse from the Ped. office called today "just to check on her." She did sleep in her own bed last night, but we may not make it tonight because blankie got left at Daycare. Normally she has one here and one there, but this morning she was determined to take the 2nd one to Daycare also. I tried to just slip it back in the car this morning, but she noticed. We had to have Speech Therapy at 3:45, so I was in such a rush that I didn't realize Blankie was there in her cubbie. I have an imposter in her hand (she's sleeping)- which feels the same to me, but I'm sure she can tell. We really need a 3rd blankie, but I'v never been able to find the exact one. The little stinker knows the difference!

My mom and sister are coming on Thursday to go with me for our long day at Shriners, so I'll get back my camera then and will put pictures on here!!!!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Yet Another Ear Infection

Mikayla wasn't exactly feeling great this weekend, but she seemed to get worse last night. She actually slept with me last night, which meant I didn't get much rest either. She was breathing so heavily because she was so congested. I felt guilty dropping Mikayla off at Daycare. She looked so pitiful. Until today I still hadn't found a pediatrician in Bossier. As soon as I got to school I asked my friend about who she uses for her son. She told me, so as soon as I could I called. I got an appointment for today, which meant I then had to find a Sub. I lucked out and the first person that I woke up this morning said they'd work 1/2 a day for me. So, I went to pick up Mikayla during nap time only to find her roaming the halls with one other child who refused to go to sleep. Now I know how she spends her naptime! I've been told she sleeps, so maybe today was the exception. Anyways...I picked her up and we went to the Doctors. I found out that it wasn't allergies (what I originally suspected) and that she had an ear infection and congestion. She had to have a shot and will also be taking oral antibiotics. Mikayla did really well with that Doctor, so we are going to stick with him. It also helps they are open on Saturdays and on most Sundays. At this time she is just laying on her bed watching Barney, so I think I'm going to go lay with her. I'm exhausted after not much sleep last night. I'm sure she's on the road to recovery, and we'll have a better night tonight.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Allergies Again

First, I have to apologize because I left my camera at mom's, so still no new pictures. Second, I don't even know if anyone reads this! Mikayla's allergies got worse as soon as we went to Haynesville. I know she is soooo tired of being congested. We did have a wonderful weekend with family. Of course now another weekend comes to an end and this week will be crazy! On Thursday she'll be fitted for her braces at Shriners.

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I'm so glad it is almost the weekend. I'm exhausted and so is Mikayla. I could tell because she didn't even want to take a bath tonight. She normally LOVES baths, but tonight was a different story. I said "Let's go take a bath," and she said, "No!" I couldn't believe my ears so, I said it again- only to get the same response. I decided to let her just play for another few minutes and check back. I went in there and said, "Mikayla it is time for your bath," and again she said, "No!" But this time I would not accept no for an answer. I scooped her up and headed to the bathroom. She actually cried all the way through the bath! I can't even remember the last time she cried about taking a bath. She used to cry when I made her get out!

She is beginning to have a little attitude problem. Last night at church she knocked the crayons on the floor, and the teacher asked her if she did. She shook her head yest, but when the teacher told her it was time to pick them up she just shook her head no and watched the teacher pick them up. Of course the teacher told me this when I picked her up. Her exact words were "she's something else, but she's sweet." All I could do was agree (about both)!

It's our (meaning- mine, my sister's, and mom's) birthday weekend, so we'll head to Haynesville this weekend- I do have a Scrapbooking party to go to on Saturday, so Mimi is going to keep Mikayla for me. She is excited of course! I promise to update next week with pictures. I'm sure I'll get lots this weekend!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Asleep Before 7:00

Mikayla is already asleep, which can be a good or a bad thing. It's good because she will wake up in a better mood than she did this morning. She needs the rest!!!! It's bad because it is less time I will get to spend with her tonight. Normally she falls asleep on her own, but for some reason she wanted me to hold her. She fell asleep in my arms. It was soooo sweet. I miss the days of rocking her to sleep. I can remember wanting her to grow up, but it has happened too fast. I can remember wanting her to crawl, and then I wanted her to walk. Now I wish she'd just sit down sometimes. I'm learning to be content in the moment....which for those who know me really well- it's a difficult concept for me.

I was about to update on therapy, but some have missed the whole beginning story, so I better sort of start at the beginning. Mikayla is considered "developmentally delayed." Honestly, by looking at her you wouldn't know it. Unless you really know the developmental stages you may not know she's delayed. We never found out the cause for sure- have had MRI and EEG. It could be from when I had my c-section. The cord had been wrapped around her neck and oxygen could've been cut off. She didn't really sit up till 9 months- crawl till 12 months- and really walk till 18/19 months. She has very weak ankles. She wore braces for about a year and is about to be put back in them again on October 2nd. We go to Shriner's Hospital for that. They're little SMO's- which are VERY SHORT braces for her ankles to help keep her ankles stable. She also has sensory integration problems and is somewhat delayed at communication. She began Occupational, Physical, and Speech Therapy at 9 months old. For a brief time, while we were settling in Bossier, she did not go to therapy. She has been getting OT for the last few weeks and will begin ST this Friday. The OT actually goes to the Daycare and works with her, which has been true blessing. I'm so glad to have her in Therapy again. I was told that in April the School Board will evaluate her to see what kind of services they'll provide. She POSSIBLY could end up at my school in an ECSE class so that the OT and ST can continue. The other alternative is for her to receive services at the Daycare with OT and ST still through the school board. The evaluation is still about 6 months away, so we'll figure all that out when the time comes.

I'll leave you on this note- I was asking Mikayla's Physical Therapist a question one time about Mikayla's behavior, and she said "She is not in therapy because she's not smart." Her saying that made me feel relieved. Mikayla is VERY SMART!- which is why you probably would never know she's in therapy if I hadn't told you. She just has some areas that need some work, but don't we all!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Replaced By Barney

I think all parents must feel like their child has replaced them at some point. I figured it would happen when Mikayla becomes a teenager...not when she's TWO! Mikayla was gone for one night. I know I was missed because she got this very happy look on her face when we were reunited, but this evening she just wanted to veg on her bed and watch Barney. She also was holding a stuffed animal Barney and reading a Barney book (well, looking at the pictures). She LOVES Barney.

I had said before I ever even became pregnant that my child would never watch Barney or "The Wiggles." Of course she now can't live without Barney or The Wiggles. I've learned that it doesn't matter what I want. In order to spend time with her tonight I had to watch Barney. The Little Princess gets what she wants...even if it is a very large purple dino!

Home Sweet Home

Mikayla is now home from TX. When I got her home we had dinner and have now had a bath. She LOVES the water! I had to mop all the water that she had splashed out.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Gone To Texas

Mikayla is now in TX, and I'm still in LA. I miss her already, and I just left her this morning and will get her back tomorrow. Every little girl needs her mommy though.

I am happy to say that she slept in her own bed last night, so that makes 4 nights. Some of you may be curious as to why I keep talking about her sleeping in her own bed. Well, she has been sleeping with me for about the past year. Before that she had always slept in her own bed. Last year we had moved into a new house and she also was staying away from me overnight for the first time, so I think there were too many changes going on all at once. If her security was sleeping with me, then that was the way it was going to be. When we moved to Bossier I went ahead and set her room up, but she is just now actually sleeping in her bed! I am proud, but also anxious. She is on the complete opposite end of the house. I wish her room was next to mine. The baby monitor helps!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Picture Day

Mikayla had pictures done today at Daycare, so we got to go from wearing PJ's one day to dressing up the next. It is MUCH easier to just leave her in her PJ's. Her Annie (Angela) was here when we got home from school, so she was very happy to see her. We made a trip to Wal-Mart and anytime she lost sight of Angela she was hollering "Annie." I have figured out the trick to Wal-Mart though. We go back to the deli first and buy a cup of popcorn chicken. It takes her the whole time we're in there to eat it, and it keeps her occupied. Otherwise she is either throwing stuff in the buggy or out of the buggy- depends where she is. Also, we have to stay away from the balls and balloons.

She has to go to TX tomorrow night, so I'll miss my little Punkin, but Angela will be here to keep me company. The house is too quiet when Mikayla is gone.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Pajama Day

Mikayla got to have PJ Day at school. I wish adults could do that too!!! Anyways...it was MUCH easier this morning to just change her diaper and fix her hair. The ladies at the Daycare think Mikayla is always so cute, and this morning they told me that they couldn't believe she was even so cute in her PJ's. Makes me proud!

I'm also happy to say that Mikayla has slept in her own bed 3 nights in a row!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Getting Started

I've never done a blog before, but I'm constantly sending updates in emails about Mikayla. So, here goes the first blog....

Mikayla and I moved to Bossier toward the end of July so that I could teach in Bossier Parish. It was an opportunity I could not pass up This is the first time Mikayla and I have really been on our own. I'll admit it- I was scared at first. I now truly feel like a single parent, but I now have learned that I am strong enough to handle it. There will be tough times, but the good definitely outweighs the bad. There is nothing more enjoyable in the world than being a mom. I feel truly blessed to be where I am today, and I wouldn't change anything!!!! Well, I would add more hours in the day if I could :-).

I didn't know about putting Mikayla in Daycare fulltime after having her wonderful Mimi to keep her all the time. It has been a huge adjustment on Mikayla and I both, but I truly believe that it is something she needed. She learns a lot of new things every day. Of course not everything she learns is great! For some reason she now takes a sip of drink and then spits it back out, and she is beginning to do the same thing with food! I was told by the OT that it could be a sensory issue or it may be a behavior problem. I don't think my little princess could have a behavior problem!!!! (haha) Maybe it's just terrible twos?

Mikayla is currently asleep- at least last time I checked, so that means I must go get things done that she wouldn't let me get done. This will be the first of many posts I'm sure- as long as I can figure this out.