Friday, December 12, 2008

Exciting Night

Angela (A.K.A. Aunite) came to spend the night at our house tonight, and I ended up with her in the ER at the VA in Shreveport- not what I call a good place on a Friday night! She had fallen down the front steps of my parent's house a few days ago. Her leg was swollen really bad, and she was in a lot of pain. My Aunt Dee and Uncle Chuck met Angela and I at the ER, and they took Mikayla home with them. The Doctor gave Angela some pain meds through her IV and demanded that Angela stay off of it. Needless to say- it has been a crazy evening!

Angela had brought a few cupcakes with her. Mikayla wanted one of course. The picture below was taken before the excitement of the trip to the ER.

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