Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to the Daily Grind

With a lot of tears Mikayla went to Daycare this morning. We have spent so much time together that there was a little problem with separation. She apparently made it through though. When I went to pick her up the Daycare Director told me that she thought Mikayla was talking a lot more today and that she seemed to be more balanced. I had thought those things myself, but it helps to hear someone else say it.

The pictures below are from tonight. She is actually crawling up in my lap as I type and pointing to the pictures of herself saying, "Kayla." Soooo cute!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am glad to hear that she is doing better. She is definatly a cutie, but you already know that.I hope to get a digital camera for Christmas so I can get more pics up of my cute kids.