Wednesday, December 31, 2008

First Hair Cut

First, I will say Mikayla tee tee'd on the potty again this morning. I am so proud!

Mikayla had her first hair cut today. Needless to say it did not go great, but the beautician said she did better than most other first hair cuts. My mom (Mimi), and sister (Auntie) went with me to take her. Angela recorded the whole thing on my camcorder. The DVD is priceless! You can hear Mikayla saying, "hold you mommy." Her hair does look better. Mimi says she looks more sassy!

Mikayla is unfortunately running fever now. I'm not sure what the cause is yet. She is sleeping next to her Auntie at the moment. Everyone else is still up to ring in the New Years.

Happy New Years!!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Tee Tee'd in the Potty!!!!!

I found out yesterday that Mikayla is going to be promoting to the next class at Daycare. She will officially be starting potty training! She'll probably promote next week. Tonight I noticed when I went to give her a bath her diaper was dry, so as soon as I got her out of the bath I put her on the potty. She had been playing with the potty last night, so it was in the kitchen floor- oh well! I was so proud, and she was too. You can tell by the picture- and she got a piece of chocolate as a reward. I can't believe she did it!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!!

It has been a wondeful Christmas! I was sick (stomach bug) for 2 days- including Christmas eve, but I survived and had fun anyways...even without getting to eat steak on Christmas eve :-). Mikayla and I made cookies for Santa last night, and she LOVED putting the icing and sprinkles on the cookies. We also opened presents last night. Mikayla helped everyone open their presents and enjoyed picking up the wrapping paper. Mikayla got a BIG slide from Santa, so she has been having LOTS of fun. Enjoy the pics!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

School is Out!

Friday was wild for me! Mikayla also had parties at her school. She got to wear her PJ's all day. Wearing PJ's all day would've been nice. This weekend Mikayla goes to TX, so there may not be any more updates on here till after Christmas. We'll probably be in Haynesville from Tuesday-Friday. Here are a couple recent pictures. In the picture where she's sleeping she's holding the tube that the wrapping paper had been on. She had been helping me wrap and didn't want to hand it over after all the wrapping paper was off. I took it from her after she fell asleep.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

One more day!!!

You can tell I'm teacher. I'm counting down the days till we get out for Christmas, and tomorrow is our last day until we go back on January 5th! Yeah!!!!!! I can't believe it is almost Christmas. This year should be even more exciting because Mikayla is finally old enough to really enjoy everything the holidays bring. I look forward to making cookies for Santa with Mikayla on Christmas Eve. There will be lots of great pics coming later next week!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas Program

Tonight was the Christmas program at my school. Mikayla did pretty well. Of course she was dancing in the isle, and she couldn't understand why she wasn't getting to get up on the stage!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Santa Came Early

I can't believe it is Sunday night. This weekend was a whirlwind between Angela going to the ER, a Christmas party, and putting toys together!!!!! Thank goodness we have ONLY ONE WEEK till we get out for Christmas break.

As a child I was one of those who would go hunting for my presents- in closets, under beds, etc. Angela and I would use each other as a look-out so that we wouldn't get caught. I'm also one of those people who can hardly wait to give other people their gifts. Well, Christmas started a little early for Mikayla at my house- not that she doesn't get stuff all the time!

Mimi and Pop kept Mikayla yesterday afternoon and last night so that I could go to my Christmas party for work. When they came to get Mikayla they brought Mikayla's "big" Christmas present. It was so big that it came in 2 large boxes! I had ordered this really large "walk-in" kitchen. I decided to use my "free time" to put it together. I knew we would be in Haynesville Christmas eve, so what the heck. It was originally going to be from Santa, but there was no way I could put it together in Haynesille and then transfer it to my house- it wouldn't go through a door way. Mikayla has plenty of other presents to open and play with.

Angela is here, but crippled at the moment, so she was NO HELP in putting it together! I am so proud. I did it all by myself!!!! I can use tools- including an electric drill!!!!! The kitchen takes up about half the toy room. I did put a sheet over it and shut the door. When Mikayla got home today of course she went and opened the door and then began crawling under the sheet. I told you it was "walk in", well, there's a little bar area, so she was crawling under it. I took the sheet off, and she was so excited. She kept calling it "her house" and saying "pretty" (which sounded more like "petty"). She will enjoy this kitchen set for many more years to come.

The first picture you'll see below is from the ToysRUs website. It does not have Mikayla in it, but I wanted you to be able to see the kitchen I was just talking about. The second picture s of Mikayla playing in her kitchen. I couldn't get her to look at the camera because she was wanting to play!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Exciting Night

Angela (A.K.A. Aunite) came to spend the night at our house tonight, and I ended up with her in the ER at the VA in Shreveport- not what I call a good place on a Friday night! She had fallen down the front steps of my parent's house a few days ago. Her leg was swollen really bad, and she was in a lot of pain. My Aunt Dee and Uncle Chuck met Angela and I at the ER, and they took Mikayla home with them. The Doctor gave Angela some pain meds through her IV and demanded that Angela stay off of it. Needless to say- it has been a crazy evening!

Angela had brought a few cupcakes with her. Mikayla wanted one of course. The picture below was taken before the excitement of the trip to the ER.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


The picture of Mikayla was taken this morning on our way to school, and the other picture is of my classroom- where I spend all my time!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Snoozing Away

Mikayla is snoozing away in my bed, and I'm about to head there. She went to the ENT yesterday, and he said her ears looked great. She has bad congestion, so he gave her some meds for it, but her ears were clear!!! He did say that if Mikayla had not had tubes put in the congestion would've caused another ear infection. We did the tubes just in time!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Rough Monday

Mikayla did NOT want to get up this morning. She cried "nooooo" the entire time I was trying to get her ready. Normally she sleeps through the whole thing, but not this morning! I didn't even try to put her shoes on her until we got to Daycare. She did not want me to leave her at Daycare either. She wasn't with me a whole lot this weekend, so that may have had something to do with it. Mikayla was thrilled when I got there to pick her up. She ran to me as fast as her little legs could carry her.

Tomorrow we go back to the ENT for a follow-up for the tubes being put in. Hopefully everything is perfect!!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Mikayla did not like Santa. She liked it when she was on one side of the gate and Santa was on the other. I held her so that we could take a picture with Santa. She didn't cry, but if I had made her sit alone with him there would've been a melt down.

We also had her pictures taken in her Christmas Dress, and the picture below is of Mikayla playing while we were waiting to have her pictures taken. She looked ADORABLE!!!!! You can't really tell by this picture, but the dress was smocked with little snowmen.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to the Daily Grind

With a lot of tears Mikayla went to Daycare this morning. We have spent so much time together that there was a little problem with separation. She apparently made it through though. When I went to pick her up the Daycare Director told me that she thought Mikayla was talking a lot more today and that she seemed to be more balanced. I had thought those things myself, but it helps to hear someone else say it.

The pictures below are from tonight. She is actually crawling up in my lap as I type and pointing to the pictures of herself saying, "Kayla." Soooo cute!!!