Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ouch Report

As soon as I walked in to pick up Mikayla the Assistant Director told me she had an “Ouch Report” for me to sign. She then informed me that Mikayla had been bitten! Go figure. Yesterday I write about how Mikayla hasn’t gone through that and then the next day she was the victim! I’m not really sure how it exactly happened. I just know she was taken by surprise because she was bitten on her back. She never even saw it coming. The report said that she cried. No duh!!!!! The assistant director said the little predator must have thought she was going to taste sweet. Hahahaha. I do know that the child who bit her was not the one who bit someone yesterday when I picked up Mikayla. When I looked on her back I didn’t see a place, so we made it through the first attack at the Daycare!

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