Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pirates for the Day

We found out at the eye doctor last week that Mikayla's right eye isn't focusing like it is supposed to and is weaker than the left. It wasn't quite to the point of needing glasses yet, so we are trying to correct it by having a patch on the stronger eye 2 hours a day. Today was the first day. A friend at school told me that I should put one on my eye to get her to wear hers and leave it on there for two hours. We played outside the entire time- in her sand table, riding her tricycle, and playing kick ball. We both made it the entire 2 hours. I was proud of her. Her eyes are doomed as bad as mine are!!!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

snow fun!

We have had many threats of snow this year, but we have not had any to actually stick. Mikayla was awake early ready to go play. I have no idea how long we stayed out there, but it was long enough where we had to start the car and warm up in it. We played longer after warming up. We were both cold, but she did not want to go inside. So, I had to be innovative. We took some snow inside to play with! She sat in the living room on a towel and played with the snow. We also made some snow ice cream.

She had so much fun that she had to bring the snow inside!
We made some snow ice cream!