Sunday, August 23, 2009

Broken Camera Excuse

So, I haven't been posting lately. First reason is Mikayla broke my camera. She dropped it on the lens while it was open...I don't think it can be repaired. Second reason is that we started back to school August 10th, and it's been crazy! Angela helped me to solve the camera problem by letting me borrow her very nice digital camera. Thanks Auntie!

Broken Camera Excuse

So, I haven't been posting lately. First reason is Mikayla broke my camera. She dropped it on the lens while it was open...I don't think it can be repaired. Second reason is that we started back to school August 10th, and it's been crazy! Angela helped me to solve the camera problem by letting me borrow her very nice digital camera. Thanks Auntie!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Kitchen Set has been Moved!

So, I moved Mikayla's kitchen set into the kitchen. It was an ordeal. I had to take it apart into 3 pieces...which involved using tools. I'm proud of myself that it made it back together. Mikayla even just ate at the little bar. I think she will play with it more in the kitchen. She can fix dinner while I'm actually cooking :-).

Weekend Fun

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New Use for Pull-Ups

For those who don't have Facebook....Mikayla is doing GREAT with potty training. She is wearing big girl panties full-time. Mikayla has now found a new use for pull-ups!

Making Brownies for School & Mimi and Pop

Tuesday, August 4, 2009